Healthiest Employers: Finalists in the 250-499 employees category

WNY's Healthiest Employers 2023


By Donna Collins – Editor, Buffalo Business First


CEO: Dr. Christopher Kerr

Product/service: Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo (HPCB) cares for individuals suffering from serious illness, as well as their families and caregivers. HPCB provides an integrative, holistic (physical, emotional, social, and spiritual) approach to care that focuses on the whole person, rather than on individual symptoms, to enhance quality-of-life. HPCB is a nonprofit serving more than 1,000 patients and families in Erie County every day.

Top executives: Roseann McAnulty, chief operating officer; Cary Sisti, chief clinical operations officer; Elizabeth Siderakis, foundation executive VP

HR: Alicia Poe

Popular wellness activities: Lunch & learns, meditations, bird walks

Biggest benefits: Supporting employees to increase job satisfaction, retainment and productivity.

Programs in place since: 2007

Why wellness programs started: To assist with employees’ work/life balance, the potential drain of clinical work and to connect as an organization.

Rewards/recognition: Reduced health insurance premiums and gift cards for certain wellness activities

Participation during work hours: Yes

Here’s some advice: Starting a wellness program doesn’t have to cost anything. Use your broker and medical insurance provider for assistance. Have leadership support and engagement. Create a wellness committee.